PD Dr. Ivo Nischang
PD Dr. Ivo Nischang
Image: PD Dr. Ivo NischangSolution Characterization Group (SCG)
Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena Philosophenweg 7
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9 48 269
Fax: +49 3641 9 48 202
- Research Group Leader Solution Characterization Group (SCG)
- Hydrodynamic and light scattering studies of macromolecules and colloidal systems
- Characterization of polymer structures and colloids in solution
- Separation science (centrifugation-based techniques, chromatography, field-flow fractionation)
Publications (selected 5 most recent)
- Ilya Anufriev, Stephanie Hoeppener, Ivo Nischang*. PEG-Lipids: Quantitative study of unimers and aggregates thereof by the methods of molecular hydrodynamics. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 10795–10802.
- Ekaterina Tsarenko, Ulrich S. Schubert, Ivo Nischang. Nanoparticle formulation composition analysis by liquid chromatography on reversed-phase monolithic silica. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 565-569.
- Gizem Cinar, Jana I. Solomun, Prosper Mapfumo, Anja Traeger, Ivo Nischang*
Nanoparticle sizing in the field of nanomedicine: Power of an analytical ultracentrifuge. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1205, 339741. - Olenka J. Valderrama, Ivo Nischang*. Reincarnation of the analytical ultracentrifuge: Emerging opportunities for nanomedicine. Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 15805-15815. (Feature Article)
- Mandy Grube, Meike N. Leiske, Ulrich S. Schubert, Ivo Nischang. POx as an alternative to PEG? A hydrodynamic and light scattering study. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 1905-1916.