Prof. Dr. Britta Qualmann
Britta Qualmann
Image: Britta QualmannInstitute of Biochemistry I
University Hospital Jena
Nonnenplan 2-4
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9 396 300
Fax: +49 3641 9 396 302
HomepageExternal link
- Institute Director
- Mechanisms of internalization processes (receptor-mediated endocytosis, caveolae-mediated internalization, phagocytosis, etc.)
- Molecular machinery of vesicle formation and membrane transport processes
- Intralcellular sorting and recycling processes
- Interactions of components with cellular membranes
Publications (selected 5 most recent)
- Izadi M, Wolf D, Seemann E, Ori A, Schwintzer L, Steiniger F, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, “Membrane shapers from two distinct superfamilies cooperate in the development of neuronal morphology”. J. Cell Biol. 222: e202211032, 2023
- Wolf D, Hofbrucker-MacKenzie SA, Izadi M, Seemann E, Steiniger F, Schwintzer L, Koch D, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, “Ankyrin repeat-containing N-Ank proteins shape cellular membranes.” Nat. Cell Biol. 21: 1191-1205, 2019
- Hou W, Nemitz S, Schopper S, Nielsen ML, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, "Arginine Methylation by PRMT2 Controls the Functions of the Actin Nucleator Cobl." Dev. Cell 45: 262-275, 2018.
- Press AT, Traeger A, Pietsch C, Mosig A, Wagner M, Clemens MG, Jbeily N, Koch N, Gottschaldt M, Bézière N, Ermolayev V, Ntziachristos V, Popp J, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, Schubert US, Bauer M "Cell type-specific delivery of short interfering RNAs by dye-functionalised theranostic nanoparticles." Nat. Commun. 5: 5565, 2014
- Ahuja R, Pinyol R, Reichenbach N, Custer L, Klingensmith J, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, “Cordon-bleu is an actin nucleation factor and controls neuronal morphology.” Cell 131: 337-350, 2007