Prof. Dr. Christian Eggeling
Christian Eggeling
Image: Christian EggelingInstitute for Applied Optics and Biophysics
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology
Biophysical Imaging
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
Phone: + 49 3641 9 47 670
Fax: + 49 3641 9 47 672
- W3 Professor of Superresolution Microscopy
- Director Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics
- Head of Department Biophysical Imaging
- Superresolution optical microscopy
- Biophysics of the cellular membrane
- Receptor and lipid organization in the cellular membrane
Publications (selected 5 most recent)
- Sezgin E, Schneider F, Galiani S, Urbancic I, Waithe D, Lagerholm BC, Eggeling C* (2019) Measuring nanoscale diffusion dynamics in cellular membranes with super-resolution STED-FCS. Nature Protocols 14, 1054-1083
- Santos, AM, Ponjavic A, Fritzsche M, Fernandes RA, de la Serna JB, Wilcock MJ, Schneider F, Urbancic I, McColl J, Anzilotti C, Ganzinger KA, Assmann M, Depoil D, Cornall RJ, Dustin ML, Klenermann D, Davis SJ, Eggeling C*, Lee SF* (2018) Capturing resting T cells: the perils of PLL. Nature Immunolgy 19: 203-5
- Sezgin E, Lavental I, Mayor S, Eggeling C* (2017) The mystery of membrane organization: composition, regulation and roles of lipid rafts. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 18: 361-74
- Fritzsche M*, Li D, Colin-York H, Chang VT, Moeendarbary E, Felce JH, Sezgin E, Charras G, Betzig E, Eggeling C* (2017) Self-organizing actin patterns shape membrane architecture but not cell mechanics. Nature Communications 8: 14347
- Sezgin E, Davis SJ, Eggeling C* (2015) Membrane Nanoclusters - tails of the Unexpected. Cell 161: 433-34